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FOOD&WINE Magazine recruiting for a New Restaurant Critic

Are you a fearless foodie?

FOOD&WINE Magazine is recruiting for one of Ireland's most critical jobs… The Restaurant Critic!

If you're interested in writing about food and wine, love eating out, and have an evening or two to spare a month, this could be just the thing for you. Other skills are required beside the ability to eat though. Can you stick to a deadline and write flawless copy? Do you read commission instructions with a fine tooth-comb? Then FOOD&WINE Magazine is looking for you.

The magazine is considered by many to be Ireland's Food & Wine Bible

"Despite the downturn there are still plenty of restaurants, new and old, waiting to be rated for FOOD&WINE Magazine so we need to expand our panel of restaurant critics" says Ross Golden-Bannon, Editor of the magazine.

Wine Editor Raymond Blake with magazine Editor Ross Golden-Bannon
How to Apply:
The standards are high and the competition will be tight. Submit 150 words on your favourite food experience, not a restaurant review and not forgetting why the experience ranks so high. An immediate good-bye will be said to those who don’t follow the criteria. Spelling, grammar and style are important, as well as knowledge of what’s libellous and knowing your Béarnaise from your Beaujolais would be a distinct advantage!

FOOD&WINE magazine May 2012 Issue - OUT NOW!

"We don’t count calories, we count quality." says Ross. "We believe in substance over style and integrity over spin, so sharpen your pencils and start writing."

The FOOD&WINE Christmas show gets bigger every year!

Deadlines are Important!
The deadline is Friday, 8 June 2012. The top three entries will be published in the magazine and the winner will be chosen by a combination of public voting and the editorial team's needs. The winner will be announced in the September issue of the magazine (on shelves Monday 20 August).

Entries to:
Entries can be submitted to with Restaurant Critic Job as the subject title.

Closing date for submissions is 5pm Friday, 8 June 2012.


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